The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.”—Will Rogers

The reality is that the decisions made in Washington and in the State Capitols affect you and your plans.  It is important to dig into not just the promises and rhetoric of the candidates, but to keep abreast of what they do once they take office.  There are tools available to help you with this process.

If you want information without the political noise, go to the iTunes or Android store and download the app to your smart phone or go to  for more information.  You can set up an account and access voting records and pending issues before your representatives.  You can enter discussions with others and even contact your representatives through the app.

You can take the direct route to your congressman at, your senator at,or contact the President at .  If you are a member of an organization, you may have a political action committees that watch issues that have the greatest impact on you.  Your voice counts, but you have to use it.

Submitted By David M. Wheat, CFS, ChFC