Team Axiom rides again for the New England Parkinson’s Ride to benefit the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research!
Saturday morning, September 8th, we had a great turnout for Team Axiom. Jeff Simes (Asencus), Brian Conway, managing partner of Axiom, and David Wheat founder and partner of Axiom Advisors, LLC, as well as Bill Cummings, Team Axiom captain, and Bill’s 16-year old son, Nolan.
The weather was perfect: cool & cloudy, ideal for a 50-mile ride near the coast of Maine!
As you know by now, this cause is very near and dear to our team. We each have several friends, relatives, and clients who have, or have had Parkinson’s Disease. Unfortunately, over the past several years, we’ve lost several clients and even family members to this disease, which has no known cure.
In fact, our ride this year was dedicated in memory of Clark Affolter, father-in-law of Axiom’s managing partner, Brian Conway, who passed-away earlier this year. Clark had suffered from PD.
Thanks to your support this year, Team Axiom, so far, has raised $11,221.72! We’re also extremely excited to tell you, for the first time in the 11 years of this New England Parkinson’s Ride, the total raised from all teams doing the ride finally topped $1,000,000 in fundraising!
We want to acknowledge our fabulous Team Axiom T-shirts, which help us attract donations. We could not possibly raise this much money without the support of Horizon Investments and STIRA Capital Markets.
Considerable excitement was generated by Avnet’s Bill Amelio, and NotImpossible’s Mick Ebeling at this year’s ride. For those suffering with tremors from Parkinson’s, they introduced a potential treatment: electronic wrist and ankle bracelets. Click here for more details.
Finally, it’s not too late to donate to this year’s ride! You have until 12/31/18 to count for this year. Just click here.
We love to support this New England Parkinson’s Ride. We’re already looking forward to next year!
Wishing you a great finish to the year 2018, and we’ll see you down the road.
By: Bill Cummings – Captain, Team Axiom